Installation supervision and commissioning of ADKG-20 turboexpander units completed at the Chayandinskoye field

A month before the launch of the “Sila Sibiri” pipeline, “Turbokholod” JSC and “Gazprom Avtomatizatsiya” completed the installation supervision and commissioning of 4 ADKG-20 turboexpander units. The operation of this equipment is envisaged by the project for the development of the Chayandinskoye field in Yakutia – the main raw material base for the future gas transmission pipeline.
At the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field in Yakutia, the commissioning of technological facilities and equipment for the operation of the “Sila Sibiri” pipeline is continuing. Since July 2019, well products have been supplied to the Integrated Gas Processing Unit (UKPG-3). In August, the construction of a gas pipeline-connection between the field and the pipeline itself was completed. In October, commissioning of the ADKG-20 turboexpander unit designed for low-temperature gas separation was completed.
4 ADKG-20 turboexpander units are ready for operation at the Chayandinskoye field. “Turbokholod” JSC designed and manufactured this equipment for the gas collection and treatment system, taking into account the difficult geological characteristics of reservoir rocks and special reservoir conditions for hydrocarbons.
The designers and developers took into account that gas production at the field is conducted using “low-population” technologies. For example, the process of extracting hydrocarbons is controlled from the Main Shield. It is located on the territory of UKPG-3. Remote control of ADKG-20 units in the low-temperature separation section is provided by installing active magnetic suspension systems with the equipment.
According to the plans for the development of MT “Sila SIbiri” in 2022, its resource base will be expanded. The pipeline system will start receiving gas from the Kovyktinskoye field in the Irkutsk region. For low-temperature separation, JSC “Turbokholod” will supply 12 ADKG-10 turboexpander units with horizontal layout and a skid of shut-off and control valves.