The Arctic awaits: JSC “Turbokholod” has signed a contract for the supply of equipment for an LNG project with PAO “NOVATEK”

“Turbokholod” JSC and “Arctic LNG 2” LLC have signed a contract for the supply of turboexpander compressors for integrated gas treatment units of UKPG-1 and UKPG-2.
The signing of the contract became possible after the leading Russian manufacturer of turboexpanders won in an open competition held by PJSC “NOVATEK”. A modern and reliable integrated solution based on the units produced by the company attracted the customer’s attention and secured the victory in the tender. The Russian gas giant and its subsidiary “Arctic LNG 2” LLC, which is the operator of the “Arctic LNG 2” project, plan to build a liquefied natural gas plant with a capacity of 19.8 million tons of gas per year in the Arctic region “from scratch” by 2026. Under the terms of the agreement, in the next two years, JSC “Turbokholod” will supply 8 complete turboexpander units of the ADKG-10 series with shut-off and control valves, have them installed and started-up, and train the customer’s experts in the specifics of servicing the units. |